Thursday, May 1, 2008

About Emma

We got updates from the orphanage yesterday about Emma. It's such a blessing to have this glimpse into who she is and at the same time it intensifies the longing to know her and have her home. They call her MingMing and say that she is very brave and that nothing frightens her. I can't help but thinking how many times she's had to be brave going through sickness and surgeries alone. It hurts my mother's heart, but I know He's near to her even when I am not.

Blaming her makes her upset, but talking and playing settles her. If they tell her we are coming to get her, she gets very happy. Jin Ming is very close to her nanny and her roommates. One of her best friends is being adopted by a family we met through CHI and the other just had her file sent to the CCAA. We pray she finds her family soon and would love it if they were near us. We so want to keep the girls in contact with each other, if at all possible.

Emma loves bright colored things and loves fruit, but not veggies. She is said to be fairly extroverted and strong willed, so she, too, will definately fit in the Chisum household. They also sent us updated measurements. She is almost the exact same size as Isaiah! I'm seeing "twins" again. People always thought Brit and Blake were twins when they were that age. We are still waiting to hear if there are any specific needs of the orphanage and will share them with those of you who have asked when we hear.

We did hear that there wouldn't be any interuptions due to our agency's pending Hague status since our adoption is already in progress. That is definately an answer to pray and welcomed good news. We've also heard that adoption travel should procede throughout the Olympics, so we're still hoping for summer travel.

I just know I will be posting soon that we have our long awaited immigration approval and then we will finally have that dossier in China!

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