Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dossier to China

I recieved an e-mail form our agency yesterday that our dossier (all the papaerwork for our adoption) would be off to be translated and then on to China today. We hope to be logged in (LID) to the China Center for Adoption Affairs very soon. That will actually begin our wait to travel. We are so thankful to be one step closer to having Jinny home.

With all the heartbreaking news right now, this has been a ray of sunshine. We continue to pray for the people of China and the Steven Curtis Chapman family. I can't put to words how much I grieve for all of them. I know only the Father's love and mercy can truly comfort during seasons of such pain.


Shannon said...

I was wondering if your dossier had left yet! Ours landed at ccaa yesterday! Congratulations. You are right, we need some good news this week.

Sheridan said...

Sweet Family,It is certain that each of us is trusting the Lord for His timing in getting Jinny ready & home, but it is also true that our Father knows our hearts & my heart can't keep from asking "could it be soon?". Love you, Mom